主演:琼·芳登 路易斯·乔丹 麦迪·克里斯蒂安斯 马塞尔·乔内 阿特·史密斯 Carol Yorke 霍华德·弗里曼 约翰·古德 Leo B. Pessin 厄斯金·桑福德 奥特沃尔迪斯 Sonja Bryden
简介:影片改编自著名作家兹威格的同名小说,由美国环球影片公司出品 1885年,14的丽莎(琼·芳登 Joan Fontaine 饰)暗恋着住在隔壁的钢琴家斯蒂芬(路易斯·乔丹 Louis Jourdan 饰)。风流的斯蒂芬常把女人带进他的寓所,而年少的丽莎则对那个神秘世界羡慕不已。即便搬走后她仍对钢琴家难以忘怀。当她出落成了一个美丽的女郎,回来寻找钢琴家,并同他发生了关系。钢琴家很快将丽莎如其他女子般遗忘。丽莎生下了他的儿子后来嫁给了一个奥地利贵族。15年后,两人再次相逢,她离开丈夫最后一次献身于这个她惟一所爱的男人,钢琴家如往常一样逢场作戏,并将她很快忘记。最后儿子得伤寒而死,心力交瘁丽莎写了封长信给钢琴家,述说了15年来她从未停止的爱。丽莎死后,悲痛的丈夫要求同钢琴家决斗,在读到丽莎这封感人至深的信后,原本准备逃走的他登上了驶往决斗地的马车……
简介: An English school teacher outposted in Africa has a run in with the local witch doctor and suffers a nervous breakdown. After recovering back in England she takes a job teaching in a small country town hoping to make a new start for herself. All goes well at first, until she starts to hear some disturbing stories about the town. She soon discovers the town is home to a coven of witches and they plan to sacrifice a local girl in one of their rituals
简介: Bill Saunders, disturbed ex-soldier, kills a man in a postwar London pub brawl. Fleeing, he hides out in the apartment of lonely nurse Jane Wharton. Later, despite misgivings about his violent nature, Jane becomes involved with Bill, who resolves to reform. She gets him a job driving a medical supplies truck. But racketeer Harry Carter, who witnessed the killing, wants to use Bill's talents for crime
简介: Indecisive heiress Dee Dee Dillwood is pushed into marrying her sixth fiancée, but unable to face the wedding night, she flees into the adjacent hotel room of commercial pilot Marvin Payne, who just wants to sleep. Somehow, she persuades him to take her to California. Her fellow passengers include a chimpanzee, a corpse (in a coffin), an absconding embezzler, and two smoochy newlyweds. Can love be far behind